Between Instagramming, Facebooking, Instant Potting, Netflixing, Working Out(ing), and somehow being a mother and a wife, a girl is tied, y’all.
Not tired. TIED. So TIED, I can’t afford the R.
I’ve noticed my stress levels have gotten to not-so cool levels where it’s affecting my sleep. It was time to take some action.
Here are my top 10 FREE ways to relieve stress. I’ll do another post on the top cheap ways to relieve them.
Are you ready? Let’s go!
I cannot stress how much I love to meditate. Ever since I got Bear into doing Quiet Time, it’s become a nightly ritual with us. I highly recommend the Stop, Breathe, & Think app (they also have a children’s version). And it’s completely FREE.
Go for a walk.
Explore your neighborhood. See the trees. Admire the scenery. Get some Vitamin D.
Read a book.
I have a Kindle, but I love opening up a book and just perusing through the pages. I can get lost in a great book and sometimes lose track of time.
Take a nice, hot shower or relaxing bubble bath.
My husband told me to treat the bathroom as a sanctuary. When you enter it, you’re stressed, but when you exit, you’re feeling better.
I’m a huge fan of Marie Kondo and the KonMari way of clearing the clutter. Whenever I got rid of my clutter, I instantly felt better and more at ease.
I’m trying to work out more, but when I was hitting the gym on a regular basis, I worked out like a beast. I’m in the process of restarting yoga and I feel my inner yogi smile with each Downward Dog pose.
Stop Eating Fast Food.
For real. Once you cut out the cheeseburgers and everything else that tastes wonderful but really doesn’t look good on your waist, you’ll start to feel much better. You’ll also wonder why you ever ate that junk to begin with.
Enjoy a cup of hot tea.
While some tea can have more caffeine than even the strongest coffees, the others are soothing and meant to drank slowly so one can savor it.
Breathing and Stretching Exercises
I know suggesting people
Lay off social media. Turn off the phone for an hour. Stop visiting a website that stresses you out. And if need be, start hiding and muting people on your feed. Once I did the latter, whew, chile, I became much happier!
And a bonus:
Cry it out.
Sometimes, having a good, ugly cry is all that’s needed.
What are your tips for free stress relief exercises?